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Writer's pictureSteven P Grant

Storm Warning

It will be worse than anyone dreamed.  It is a Noah’s flood moment, carving a place in history that generations will recall, and you and I are going to go through it.  The storm is coming, and it will be like nothing you and I have experienced, but God can bring us through.

This blog will be longer than most.  It’s been a year since I wrote, but I have not been idle.  I have been working, praying, preparing, standing in the gap in ministry, government, business.  Now it is time to make last-minute preparations for what is ahead.

I have a close friend who is a former Federal auditor.  He regularly shares about how our economy is on the verge of collapse.  He’s astonished that it hasn’t happened already.  From the grocery store to the investment community, everything is just waiting for a soft breeze to bring down the house of cards.

Then there are the Pandemics.  Whether it’s covid (with the 93rd booster), monkey pox (the K is silent), bird flu or another creation, we know that the modern-day plagues are in the world.  This is yet another issue that will either take us to the Lord or stoke over laden hearts with fear.

Open borders and gangs are another issue.  Both sides of the aisle could stand up and close the borders tomorrow, and yet neither side does.  Meanwhile international gangs are taking over segments of cities and towns.  I know that Denver and Aurora, Colorado are dealing with gangs from Africa, Venezuela and other nations fighting for turf as I write this.  As it says in Hosea 7:9, “strangers have devoured his strength and he does not know it.”

As children return to government schools, School boards openly support porn, perversion and grooming.  I love the teachers and administrators who stand up.  I also stand against those who do not.  A year ago I presented the “Mill-stone award” to five members of the local school board and the Superintendent.  They reinstated vile books into the libraries.  They looked the other way while teachers and staff groomed students.  Although candidates ran and parents spoke, most people didn’t even care.  And get this.  The President of the school board who supports this is a local pastor.

This brings up another issue.  America’s churches are weak, emaciated, filled with entertainment and self-gratification.  They lack the anointing.  We lack God’s power.  We have style, but no substance.  Several pastors I know locally won’t speak about issues from the pulpits, but behind the scenes they supported the more liberal candidates (and still do).  The churches are large because the congregation loves the hip worship, children’s ministry, youth group and amenities.  Meanwhile, the other churches are viewed as pariahs because they speak simple, unvarnished truth that many do not want to hear.

American Government is in a total shambles involving egos and power struggles. Every level is vulnerable, dependent on giving and receiving money from other government sources (usually with strings attached), and has a voracious appetite that only increases each year.  The desire to control, spend, and oppress is always “for the greater good,” and framed in the context of “management, planning, and administration.”  Yet we are less free than ever before in America’s history.

What is going to happen?

When the storm hits most Americans will be completely caught unaware.  As I have pastored and taught on Bible prophecy pertaining to America for forty years, let me offer a few speculations on what could happen by 2025.  I base this in the Word of God and call it “sacred speculation.”  Sooner or later, this storm will hit.

America will suffer total economic collapse.  Amos 8 foretells this.  This will not be a correction, a recession or a depression.  It will be total collapse.  Consequently, America is not prepared for it in any way.  The implications are too many to share in this writing, but make no mistake, it is coming.

Another pandemic will occur.  Second Chronicles 7:13 speaks of God sending pestilence among His people who are not following Him.  Covid was a beginning, and since we have not repented, pestilence will continue whether man-caused or naturally occurring.  This will then be used by governments and tyrants to try to close God’s church (which is feared by man).

Trump will be elected and die.  While some of you might be educated in different interpretations of Revelation 12 in the Bible, let me offer a different insight.  (As my dear friend Pastor Geoff Broughton says, history may not repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes.)  Revelation 12 reveals the prophecy of a woman clothed with the sun, standing on the moon, crowned with twelve stars.  She is pregnant and due to be delivered.  Her opponent is a great, red dragon representing the global system.  My brother Stan and I like to refer to this as “Lady Liberty versus the Dragon.”  (Find Stanley Grant on YouTube and listen to his excellent teaching for more in-depth study.)  This dragon wants to destroy what Lady Liberty produces.

Lady Liberty produces a manchild whose goal is to rule nations with a rod of iron.  He never rules.  Instead, he is caught up to God and to His throne. (presumably dying somehow).  Then, civil war ensues, followed by a war of nations coming against Lady Liberty after the civil war is finished.

No matter what your views about Trump, he is the candidate calling for peace and negotiated order in the world.  If he is elected, will many cry out “peace and safety” according to 1 Thessalonians 5?  I believe it is entirely possible, and then all hell will break loose upon America and subsequently upon the rest of the world.  Stay tuned.

Can’t we pray this away?

Many churches, Christians and movements are currently praying for America, but this is a sovereign season of God.  It will not be contravened nor stopped.  We must come to a place of national repentance.  We are still far too proud, controlled by flesh, reliant on self, and prayerless.  Hosea 7:10 tells us, “the pride of Israel testifies to his face; yet they do not return to the Lord their God, nor seek him, for all this.”  We. Are. There.  The storm is about to break upon us with terrible ferocity, and we are completely unprepared.  Even the preppers will not be equipped to handle what is coming.  So, what must we do?

Pray.  We must pray about everything.  We must gather to pray, pray individually, pray always.  We must pray before prepping.  Many preppers are still depending on themselves as their primary strength, and they will fall in the first wave of judgment.

Prepare.  Our preparation begins by discarding our agendas.  Naomi’s husband decided to flee Israel (Ruth 1) and go to a land with food and stability, but he and his sons all died while they were there.  God provided for Naomi and Ruth to come back to Israel where He blessed them.  God has His plan for your direction in the storm.  Don’t bail out of His boat.

Band.  You are going to need more than just your four and no more.  Most of the heroes will be unlikely ones.  When the prophet Jeremiah was left in the destroyed city of Jerusalem after Babylon invaded, he was also left with the poor and destitute.  Able bodied people were either killed or taken as slaves and servants to Babylon.  Jeremiah was in the ruins with the impoverished, but God said that they could remain and rebuild.  Circumstances larger than man moved Jeremiah on from there, but God used him to rebuild and reclaim humanity as we know it today.  Don’t count out the unlikely.

Trust.  What is coming is so great that we must trust God to bring us through – Psalm 27:13-14 says, “I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.  Wait, I say on the Lord.”  We must retain hope in the storm.  Our Christ walks on water.  Our Christ has given us authority to still wind and waves.  What is coming will not be stopped, but God will be with us as we put our trust in Him.


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